to my future kids

3 min read3 days ago


Photo by Derek Thomson on Unsplash

Hi, this is your future Dad.

I’m sorry for the delay. Life right now is fun, chaotic, and just a little confusing. I’m trying to figure out who I am before I become someone you can count on. I want to see the world, feel every moment, and maybe even make a few mistakes along the way. I guess that’s part of it — learning, falling, and getting back up.

Honestly, I haven’t met your mom yet, but I bet she’s amazing. I’m not gonna lie, I really want to meet her, seeing how she laughs, how her eyes light up, and how she’ll probably be the best part of us. And you — you’ll probably have her smile, plus my silliness, hehehe.

My plan? Actually, it’s quite simple, really. I want to give you everything I have, but first, I need to build it. I need to find my own way, discover what makes me feel alive. And the truth is, I’m still figuring out what that world looks like. It’s a bit messy, a bit uncertain, but that’s okay. I think that’s what life is meant to be — a little unpredictable.

I won’t lie to you — life’s tough. There are days when I feel lost, and other days when I think I’ve got it all figured out, only to realize I’m still miles away from where I want to be. But I promise, I’ll be ready for you. I’ll be the kind of dad who can hold your hand when you’re scared, who can laugh with you when the world feels too heavy, and who won’t pretend to have all the answers but will always try to find them with you.

There are dreams I’m still chasing, dreams I want to reach before you come into this world. I don’t want my unfinished business to become yours. I want you to pursue whatever you want and be whoever you cherish, without any weight from my past pulling you down.

We’ll be friends, I hope. Well, you know, I’m not good with people, but hey, we can try! I’ll be there to listen, even when I don’t understand. I’ll try not to judge, and I’ll do my best to guide you, even when I’m still learning myself. And I want you to know — you won’t be alone. Not in this life, not with me.

I have to admit, I’m not the richest guy right now. Money’s a bit tight — it’s on a diet or something. But you know what? We’ll make it work. We’ll find joy in the little things, the stuff that really matters. And by the time you arrive, I’ll have figured out enough to give you what you need, even if it’s not all the luxuries I wish I could offer.

But most importantly, I want to be happy.

I want you to see that happiness on my face when you look up at me. I’ve got a few things to work through, some fears, maybe even a few traumas I haven’t fully faced yet. But I want to meet you as the best version of myself — or at least someone who’s trying, who’s still searching for what it means to be whole.

So, yeah. I’m sorry for the wait, but I hope you’ll understand. I promise, when we finally meet, it’ll be worth it.

Until then, take care out there in the universe, wherever you are.

See you someday,


