Expose Yourself to Everything
Forget perfection. This isn’t an exam — it’s life.
One day I stumbled on a twitter post said that you need to expose yourself with everything. That post slapped my face so hard. I felt stupid, like I’ve been doing wrong to myself.
And here’s what I thought about throughout that day:
Holding back because you want something to be perfect from the start? You know that’s wrong. Every “first” is always bad. But don’t be foolish enough to stop yourself from trying.
Forget perfection. This isn’t an exam — it’s life. Making mistakes is a natural, everyday thing. Don’t exaggerate it. The times we get it right are often because we’ve already made mistakes or learned from someone who has.
Listen to your heart. If you really want something, if you’re genuinely drawn to it, get obsessed. Greatness is built on a foundation of countless mistakes. It doesn’t magically show up.
Will it scare you? YES. But if it scares you, it might be worth trying. By nature, we need stability. We want to survive, to avoid risks that could harm us. But it’s those who take risks who break through the barriers others can’t.
If you fail, will it be embarrassing? YES. So what?
Would you rather be embarrassed now or later? Embrace that first embarrassed failure like a victory; feel it as a winning step.
The only person who never makes mistakes is the one who never does anything.
So go out there. Do something great. Face everything like a winner. Expose yourself like a king — bold and unafraid.